
Your nails are more than just an accessory. They can tell a lot about your health and well-being. In this blog, we'll discuss what your nails can reveal about your overall health and what signs to watch out for.

  1. Pale or white nails

If your nails are pale or white, it could be a sign of anemia or liver disease. It can also indicate a lack of nutrients such as iron and calcium. See a doctor if you notice that your nails are this color and you don't know why.

  1. Yellow nails

Yellow nails can indicate a fungal infection or psoriasis. It can also be caused by prolonged use of nail polish or nail polish remover. If the yellow color persists, it is important to see a doctor.

  1. Brittle and split nails

If your nails are brittle and split, this could indicate thyroid disease, a vitamin deficiency, or poor circulation. It can also result from exposure to chemicals or overuse of nail polish remover.

  1. Pits in the nails

Small pits in the nails can be a sign of psoriasis or arthritis. It can also be caused by a nail infection or trauma.

  1. Red lines or spots

Red lines or spots under the nails can indicate an infection or blood vessel problems. In some cases, it could be a sign of heart problems or lupus.

  1. Koilonychia

Koilonychia, also called spoon nails, is when the nails become hollow and curve down, making them look like little spoons. It could be a sign of anemia or iron deficiency.


Your nails can reveal a lot about your overall health. Watch for changes in the color, texture, or shape of your nails. If you notice anything unusual, see a doctor. Remember that it is important to have a healthy diet to keep your nails healthy and avoid biting your nails and using harsh chemicals to prevent damage. By paying attention to your nails, you can detect and solve health problems early.